The Marketing Memo #35: How to Fix Your Lead Generation Strategy

Plus: Should You Prioritize Building Your Personal Brand or Your Company Brand?

Hey there marketers,

Welcome to the 35th issue of The Marketing Memo. We’ve pulled in a couple of can’t-miss resources for you to check out.

But first, let’s start with a Monday marketing meme:

Had a good chuckle? Now you’re ready for today’s newsletter. Here’s what we’ve got:

  • A guide to help you prioritize qualified leads

  • A tip to help you decide where to focus your brand building

Let’s jump in.

Guide: How to Fix Your Lead Generation Strategy

Generating leads is a waste of time, money, and resources if those leads aren’t qualified.

This one simple trick can help turn your lead generation strategy around: qualifying leads before they enter your ecosystem.

“By qualifying leads upfront and tailoring your follow-up strategies, you can:

  • Increase efficiency across all marketing and sales channels.

  • Maximize ROI on your ad spend and outreach efforts.

  • Build a more predictable and scalable funnel that supports long-term growth.”

This guide walks you through exactly how to do just that.

Today’s Tip: How to Choose Whether to Build a Personal Brand or a Company Brand

If you’re a marketer with your own business, you may wonder whether or not you should spend your time building up your personal brand or a company brand.

While both can be beneficial, if you don’t have the time to dedicate to both, this breakdown from Demand Curve can help you decide which route is best for you:

The Marketing Memo: Our Favorite Tools 🛠️

Want to see a comprehensive list of our favorite marketing tools? Check out our full recommendation list here. If we come across a new tool we love, we’ll highlight it in an upcoming newsletter.

Loved this newsletter? Forward it to a marketer you love in your life.

We’ll see you next Monday for the next Marketing Memo.

- Kati Amberry and Sinem Günel

Subscribe to The Marketing Memo

Why subscribe? A memo (AKA a memorandum) is defined as “a way to inform a group of people about a specific problem, solution, or event.” When we thought about what we wanted to deliver with this newsletter, that definition hit the nail on the head.

If you want to keep up with problems, solutions, and news in marketing, The Marketing Memo is your ideal Monday read.