The Marketing Memo #1: SEO Tutorial with (almost) endless keywords

plus: a Swiss army knife marketing tool and a quick Google algo tip that could change your posting strategy

Hey there marketers,

Welcome to the first issue of The Marketing Memo. We’ve pulled in three can’t-miss resources for you to check out.

But first, let’s start with a fun Monday marketing meme:

Being an SEO means knowing there’s never a straight answer.

Had a good chuckle? Now you’re ready for today’s newsletter. Here’s what we’ve got:

  1. A fun, simple SEO keyword-extracting tutorial

  2. A marketing tool with 1,000 use cases

  3. A quick tip to help you save time and money with marketing

Let’s jump in.

SEO Tutorial: (Almost) endless keywords

A few months ago, Corrie submitted this to Better Marketing. Our editor Zulie actually tested out this strategy and got three keywords to write blog posts about.

“I love how simple and easy this is to follow. It took me $0 and 20 minutes to extract some keywords for my website.” — Zulie

A tool with 1,000 use cases: Loom

Have you tried Loom yet? Loom is a screen and face-recording software. When we sat down to write this newsletter and tried to come up with tools we could recommend, we all coincided on Loom. It turns out we all have different use cases for Loom!

Kati: “I use Loom to walk clients through recommended website updates. It's helpful to be able to point out changes on the live site so they get a comprehensive understanding - plus it's nice for everyone to have to refer back to.”

Sinem: “I started using Loom instead of Screenflow to record course content, previews, and feedback videos for my clients and I LOVE the simplicity. I've heard of Loom so many times in the past but was hesitant to switch tools. Looking back, I wish I had done it way sooner. Pro tip: You need the desktop app to record high-quality videos!

Zulie: “I use Loom to get and send feedback on freelance writing client articles. Especially with the face recording, it’s much easier to get nuance across versus just a few comments in a Google doc. +1 for communication.”

Today’s Tip: Stop Wasting Your Time and Money Publishing Articles During Google Algorithm Updates

TL;DR: When Google updates the algorithm, that’s the worst possible time to hit the publish button. What should you do instead? Author Alex Manea recommends you, “Wait. Just wait.”

What about when we’re in a period of uninterrupted updates? Two months is too long to not publish content.

“Instead, you should publish or update articles that have little to no SEO value. This will show Google that your website is still active and you won’t lose positions due to inactivity.”

Read the full article here:

Loved this newsletter? Forward it to a marketer you love in your life.

We’ll see you next Monday for the next Marketing Memo.

- Kati, Sinem, and Zulie

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Why subscribe? A memo (AKA a memorandum) is defined as “a way to inform a group of people about a specific problem, solution, or event.” When we thought about what we wanted to deliver with this newsletter, that definition hit the nail on the head.

If you want to keep up with problems, solutions, and news in marketing, The Marketing Memo is your ideal Monday read.